Membership Options

  • Regular (Individual) — Enjoys all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.
  • Household – Two adult members residing in the same household, each eligible to vote and hold office.
  • Associate — Entitled to all club privileges except voting and office holding (offered to individuals who live outside of the club’s area; also offered to individuals who live in the club’s area but are not active).
  • Junior — Open to children under 18 years of age; a non-voting/non-office holding membership which may automatically convert to regular membership at age 18.
  • Honorary — An individual who has made significant contributions to the sport, breed or the club; honorary members pay no dues and are not eligible to vote, but can maintain regular or household membership if they pay dues.
  • Life — For individuals who have been members for 20 or more years; Life members pay no dues but are eligible to vote and hold office.
Level Price Action
Regular (Individual)

$10.00 per Year.


$15.00 per Year.

Associate Member

$5.00 per Year.
