CAHC AKC Sighthound Lure Coursing Trials

Kominek Farm 99 Glendale Rd., Limestone, TN, United States

AKC All-Breed Sighthound Premium List ASFA Silken Windhound Premium List Online Entry

GASM AKC Sighthound Trials & BIRTHDAY BASH!

Kominek Farm 99 Glendale Rd., Limestone, TN, United States

Yay! Time for another Labor day Birthday Bash! We'll have three days of sighthound AKC lure coursing as well as Silken Windhound ASFA specialty trials. We'll have an awesome birthday ...

GASM ASFA Sighthound Lure Coursing Trials

Kominek Farm 99 Glendale Rd., Limestone, TN, United States

Hide-A-Lure! We'll have two days of ASFA lure coursing trials where we'll do walking starts and hide-a-lure for an interesting change! Dinner at the house on Saturday night! Judges and ...